German salad

    Ingredients (4 servings)

    • 4 potatoes
    • 1 onion
    • 4 frankfurts
    • Grain mustard
    • Oil
    • Balsamic Vinegar
    • Salt


    First of all take a cooking pot add some water add salt and wait until starts boiling then add all the potatoes with the skin, they will be well cooked after 20 minutes more or less.

    While the potatoes are in the cooking pot you can cut the onion into small pieces, this time you don't need to fry the onion, so once you have it you can put it in a bowl where we will be adding all the ingredients.

    After cutting the onion we can fry the frankfurts in a pan and when they are done we add them into the same bowl we putted the onion.
    Frying the frankfurts
    Frying the frankfurts

    Now the potatoes should be able done so we can start peeling the potatoes and adding them into the previous bowl, be careful as they will be hot.
    Boiled potatoes without the skin
    Boiled potatoes without the skin

    Once you have all the peeled potatoes in the bowl mix everything
    Mixed ingredients without sauce
    Mixed ingredients without sauce

    Now its time to prepare the sauce, in our case we like to do it with oil, balsamic vinegar, and grain mustard but of course there are other ways to do it.
    Ingredients for the sauce
    Ingredients for the sauce

    In order to do the sauce we put more or less the same quantity of oil and vinegar like 1 finger for each one and 2 spoons of mustard, then we add them into the bowl and mix everything.
    Prepared sauce
    Prepared sauce

    If we see that we need more sauce we repeat it until we get the desired amount of sauce.

    And thats all, after adding the sauce you just need to plate the dish.



    If you like pickles you can chop some and add it. Also maybe for the sauce you want to do it in a different way, some people do it with mayonnaise, this is up to you but I will recommend you to search how to do it in that way just to make sure you put the correct ingredients.


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